Some people think that the life of a crochet designer and teacher is really glamorous! Crocheting all day long, whenever and whatever you want to, traveling to different conferences to teach classes, meeting all the crochet "stars", getting published in books and magazines, getting to do what you love to do - crochet! What could be better?
Well, there is nothing better! I love what I do - I love to crochet, I love to design, I love to write patterns, I love to teach crochet, I love to plan my classes, I love to tech edit! I love everything about crochet and being a crochet designer and teacher - except one thing! Weaving in ends! As my students will tell you - I don't like that part! If I could, I would forever banish ends from my projects. Or figure out some way to make them disappear.
I am always telling a story about a baby Granny Afghan I made a long time ago - for a friend's baby. It had 100 granny squares - 3 rounds, 3 different colors. 6 ends to weave in for each square. And 6 x 100 is 600 ends! I never finished it. I never wove those ends in. I never gave it to the baby. I still have the blanket, and use it as a throw in my family room. The ends are still there, and I call them a "design decision". :-)
Well, I now have another story to tell about how I hate weaving in ends. But I can't tell it yet - you'll all have to wait awhile for that. But I can tell you that I had MORE ends to weave in. About 658 the way I figure! And I did it! I wove them all in, and I saved most of them. I even took a picture of them, so you can see how many there were. (And how glamorous this designer's life really is!)
Don't bother counting them, just trust me! There were a gazilliion of them. But I did it! I wove them all in!
I think I'm going to save these and put them in a safe place, so that whenever I have ends to weave in, and I'm not looking forward to it, I can look at these ends, and tell myself that I did it once, I can do it again!